Tragically, the four year old boy, Nico Lurie, who suffered catastrophic injuries from a 3 story fall on Sunday, has died as a result of his injuries, in a Marina Del Rey wrongful death incident.
According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the young boy apparently fell through a window screen, on the third story of the residential building, known as the Mira Bella Apartments, in Marina Del Rey, California. According to reports from ABC News, the boy was playing with friends on a bunk bed near the window when he fell through the window, landing on the concrete walkway below.
Police have said that criminal charges will not be filed and reminded parents not to place furniture near windows or other hazards.
From the facts currently known, this sounds like an unfortunate accident that may have been preventable, but California wrongful death damages for premises liability may be difficult to obtain for the family of the boy. Under California wrongful death law, there must be negligence or a wrongful act by another person or entity, in order to recover the wrongful death damages. A California wrongful death attorney may still investigate the matter and determine if the building was designed badly or whether the window used was not safe, and whether that may have caused this tragic Marina Del Rey fall accident. If the building was not up to safety codes, there may be a viable wrongful death case.
Our wrongful death accident lawyers help the families of wrongful death victims in Marina Del Rey and throughout California. We offer a free consultation to anyone who has a loved one killed or injured in an accident.