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Articles Posted in Miscellaneous News

Some of our readers may be familiar with some of the awful scams run on folks in Los Angeles and California.   There is one scam where the victim (often referred to as the mark) is promised a new Mercedes (and maybe even some cash too), and all they have to do is pay a few thousand dollars upfront for the delivery.  Guess what, the Mercedes never comes.

Another older scam, actually perpetrated many years ago on an elderly relative of a member of our personal injury law firm occurred when the victim received a call that his nephew had been arrested, and money was necessary for bail.  Of course the nephew, supposedly in jail, could not be reached to expose the scam.  The nephew was never arrested much less in jail and the bail money was gone.

Still another scam occurs when the scammer requests someone else cash a check (making up some reason why the scammer cannot do it, e.g., ID lost, etc.), and that although the check is counterfeit it appears quite genuine, and the mark is promised a few hundred dollars for his or her time.  The check appears good, so good that the teller cashes it for many thousands of dollars, then the mark gives all the money to the scammer, less a few hundred dollars for the mark’s services, but then a few days to a few weeks later the bank discovers the fraud and withdraws funds from the mark’s own account to cover the bad check, leaving the mark out many thousands of dollars.

Receive an intriguing unsolicited message from an unknown sender via an app, such as Whats App, respond to it and be drawn into an interesting conversation.  Before you know it, the supposed woman on the other end wants to celebrate because she invested some money in gold (or some other precious metal, commodity or cryptocurrency) and made a huge profit in a short time, with little to no risk.

The person on the other end may even send an official looking graph or statement that appears to show this huge profit.  That’s right – she bought gold bullion via a trading company then sold it just 15 to 20 minutes later and made a huge profit, perhaps even over a million dollars.  Sound tempting?  Too good to be true?   Yes of course!

Then, a few days later this incredible investment opportunity occurs again.  By the third time she has lured you in so that you either request to be included or she convinces you to do it. She suggests you transfer money to start to open the new required “trading account” then her teacher/mentor/relative, who supposedly works with or used to work with a famous brokerage or company and has many special contacts or insider information, will advise when to buy and sell.  They claim they will do this for you because you are now a “good” friend of the scammer.

Job Openings for Personal Injury Attorney, Personal Injury Case Manager and Law Office Administrator

If you ever wanted a career or just a job in personal injury law or in the legal profession, and if you are an attorney with at least five (5) years plaintiff personal injury experience, or a personal injury case manager with at least two (2) years experience, or a law office administrator, with experience in medical lien reductions and QuickBooks bookkeeping, we invite you to submit your resume to us via

We are looking for the top candidates, with excellent skills, experience and who really care about helping our clients.

Federal Government States Nursing Homes Should Ease Restrictions on Indoor Visits!

Residents of Nursing Homes Soon Should Be Allowed to Hug and Hold Hands with their Visitors

Residents of nursing homes, who for far too long have been isolated from their loved ones due to fear of contracting or spreading corona virus, are finally in for some good news, according to a news release by AARP on March 11, 2021.

The United States House of Representatives impeached then President Donald Trump for a record second time on January 13, 2021, for his alleged role in inciting the deadly attack at the Capitol one week earlier on January 6, 2021.

While many used to believe the term “impeachment” meant the president was actually removed from office, as most now know, especially as a result of the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump, impeachment is the act of the House of Representatives essentially charging the president with some wrongdoing then sending it over to the United States Senate for a trial, requiring a vote of 2/3 of the Senate members present to convict and remove from office.  That means, impeachment alone does NOT remove from office and the person charged continues in office without any new restrictions or limitations unless and until the Senate convicts at the impeachment trial.

There has been much confusion over this procedure, including the validity or constitutionality of holding an impeachment trial AFTER a president or other official leaves office.  President Trump already left office on January 20, 2021, and even though the impeachment procedure was commenced by the House of Representatives while then President Trump was still in office, there is constitutional issue as to whether an impeachment trial may take place after the person leaves office.

What to Expect If You Are Scheduled to Have Your Covid 19 Vaccination at California State University at Northridge (CSUN)

Should you successfully pass the gauntlet of actually being able to schedule a coronavirus vaccination, here is a coronavirus GUIDE as to what to expect if your vaccination appointment is scheduled at CSUN.

As a preliminary point, one of our staff members tried to get a coronavirus vaccination appointment time and after having some difficulty with the web site, with the help of a tech savvy relative eventually got an appointment at a Ralphs Pharmacy, then, surprisingly, received an email cancelling that appointment with NO reason given.  Then, with the help of a friend, found a different web site and set a vaccination appointment for today, Sunday, January 24, 2020, at CSUN.

Although government officials including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have advised to stay at home during the Covid19 Pandemic, many in Los Angeles and California will be traveling over the holidays, especially to visit family for Christmas and New Years.  A study by Travelocity estimates of those planning to travel over the holidays, approximately 80 percent shall drive by car or truck.  Usually the greatest fear or concern with highway travel in and around Los Angeles and California is injury accidents, but this year its clearly Covid19.

For those traveling our highways during this pandemic here are some expert suggestions to be safe and reduce your risk of becoming sick with Covid 19.

  1. Check your car or truck very carefully, including to be sure its service maintenance is current, brakes in proper working order, tires have proper tread and proper inflation, windshields wipers in good shape and windshields clean, gas tank full and or battery fully charged, etc.

“The Dodgers are World Series Champions.”   Six (6) words repeated by Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plaschke on the front page of the main section today.   Plaschke also colorfully wrote, “The 31-year drought is over, the heavens have opened, and all over Los Angeles its raining blue.

I was fortunate enough to be at the games in 1988 (the last time our Dodgers won the World Series), and this time during the coronavirus pandemic my father and I watched together at his home.   This year the World Series was played at a neutral field, Globe Life Field, a huge new stadium with a retractable roof, 1400 miles away in Texas, before a socially distanced crowd limited to only 11,437 fans.

We wondered at the choice of Tony Gonsolin to start the game, as we (and many others) wondered about many pitching decisions of Dodger manager, Dave “Doc” Roberts, during their most recent three (3) World Series, including losses to Houston and Boston.

March 3, 20120 is known as Super Tuesday because it’s the date 14 states hold their primary elections, including California.   Because of the high number of states and delegates up for grabs, whoever becomes the nominee of the Democrat Party to be President of the United States may be determined by the Super Tuesday votes.  And remember in addition to President, there are many other offices and measures being voted on, including our representatives for Congress  (known as the United States Representative), Los Angeles County District Attorney, many Judges of the Superior Court, and various county measures.

California used to hold its primary in June, but because so many other states held their primaries earlier and the nominees were sometimes already decided, California moved its primary up to early March to become more relevant.

In addition to moving its primary up to March 3, 2020, California and Los Angeles County have instituted early voting procedures where voters could vote in certain places since February 22, 2020 and other places since February 29, 2020.

Light emissions/Neon Underglow Lighting

In California, neon underglow lights are quite slightly, becoming a rage and are legal to use, but , of course, there are some restrictions. Before installing and using such neon underglow lighting, be sure to check to confirm what is permitted.  The following will set forth some of the basic guidelines in California relating to neon car and vehicle lights.

California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regulates neon underglow lighting.  The DMV permits LED lights which emit a diffused non-glaring light which is less than 0.05 candela per square inch (1 candela is essentially equal to the light emitted from one candle).   You are advised to check your neon lights’ luminosity when buying them to be certain they are within the standards set and required by the California DMV.

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