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Why Does the Implantation of Hernia Mesh to Repair a Hernia Cause Nausea?

Why Does the Implantation of Hernia Mesh to Repair a Hernia Cause Nausea?

Yes, it is possible that the implantation of a hernia mesh to repair a hernia can cause you to experience nausea after the operation. Nausea can turn into a chronic condition for some people, who have a reaction to the hernia mesh, whereby a gallstone-like bezoar formation on the intraluminal hernia mesh causes a small bowel obstruction and chronic abdominal pain and other complications, after a hernia mesh repair surgical procedure2. This means that it is a warning that you can develop more pressing and serious symptoms after you have undergone a surgical hernial mesh repair of the hernia, which can make your situation much worse than just enduring a hernia in the first instance. As a winning Los Angeles hernia mesh law firm, we know that hernia mesh is a surgery that comes with risks and some of the issues you may be dealing with are actually ones you should be getting money for. Call Walch Law now to learn more. 

 A Bad Complication from a Hernia Mesh Implantation Can Leave You Feeling Nauseated All the Time

Some people who have a hernia mesh implant to repair a hernia will have the result of the surgery being completed, but the person is left with a feeling of being nauseated all the time. If you do throw up or vomit constantly after a hernia mesh is implanted for a hernia surgery, you will risk dehydration as well. If you develop a complication called a bezoar, it is an extraneous and indigestible mass that forms in the gastrointestinal system, that may result in an intestinal obstruction. This type of intestinal obstruction can form a complication of a hernia surgery called a bezoar formation. The bezoar formations can cause:

  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Chronic nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Gastric perforation

The condition of a bezoar can be diagnosed using a preoperative CT scan, to review any level of obstructions or other masses that may be starting to grow in the area of the inner abdomen. The condition of a bezoar needs to be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, as it can lead to more serious complications or even death if not attended to quickly enough by the attending physicians.

Anytime You Experience Nausea and Vomiting It Can Be a Serious Situation

If you experience nausea because of a hernia mesh repair operation, this may result in vomiting, which can lead to a serious condition of dehydration. If you become dehydrated, you are not getting enough water for your bodily functions. Your body is made up of nearly 80% water, as is your heart and lungs, and other vital organs need water to balance the body’s essential chemicals, hormones and neurotransmitters. If you are chronically dehydrated from vomiting because of a hernia mesh complication, you can develop other issues and complications from this problem, which can lead to organ failure in the long run or even death. You can feel free to call us today at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch if you have nausea after a hernia mesh operation, and you can speak to us now at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. Your hernia mesh lawsuit can be worth a lot of money!


1Aydin, I., Sengul, I., & Sengul, D. (2022). Phytobezoar: An Unusual Condition Leading to Small Bowel Obstruction. Cureus, 14(4), e23885.

2Gallagher, K. C., Pinzon-Guzman, C., Pierce, R. A., & Tan, M. C. B. (2022). Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by Bezoar Formation Around Intraluminal Hernia Mesh. The American Surgeon, 88(8), 1904–1906.

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