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California Injury Lawyers Launch Blog

After handling injury claims for over 30 years in Los Angeles and surrounding counties, including Ventura, Orange and San Bernardino and throughout California, we are launching our blog site to give assistance to consumers in California who have been the victim of someone’s negligent conduct.

One never knows when an unfortunate accident will occur. Look at the people on the Carnival cruise ship Splendor who thought they were off for a fun filled cruise down the California and Mexico coasts, when a fire broke out stranding their ship off the Mexican coast. Nearly 4500 people were stranded. Fortunately, as this is being prepared, we learn the passengers and crew are happily disembarking in San Diego.

One woman passenger was quoted, “It’s been like a nightmare. There’s been no food, no power, no electricity, no flushing toilets. I spent the night tossing and turning in my cabin in the dark.”

Another passenger, Joey Noriega, told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Thursday, “We’re eating spoiled turkey sandwiches and warm milk and warm yogurt. Everything smells like it’s spoiled. … Nothing’s cooked. It’s all sandwich meat. It’s disgusting. You’re afraid to eat it ’cause it’s been left out and touched by everybody else on the ship.”

Fortunately, the United States Coast Guard was there to escort the nearly 1000 foot ship back to San Diego, and the United States Navy flew in emergency food for the passengers and crew. It also was reported that many passengers helped those in need and crew members did their best to assist, including cleaning cabins by flashlight. You can read more about this on

One never knows when one may be injured or damaged in an accident due to the actions of another. When you or someone you care about are injured, you may contact us for a free consultation at INFO@WALCHLAW.COM or call us toll free at 1-866-INJURY-2 [1-866-465-8792]. Also, if there is any personal injury legal issue you would like to see covered in our blog, please let us know.

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