Despite Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s goal of eliminating all traffic deaths by the year 2025, unfortunately traffic deaths and injuries have actually increased.
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) just released data that up to December 25, 2021, 289 persons were killed in traffic collisions from January 1, 2021 to December 25, 2021. That is an increase of 21% more deaths than the year before (2020) and an increase of 19% more than the year before that (2019). You may click here to learn more about wrongful death claims and experienced wrongful death lawyers. [As an aside, one does wonder why the LAPD was unable over a week into 2022 to provide date until the end of December 31, 2021? Perhaps the reason is the prior years’ statistics cover this same unusual ending date and its best to compare exact time periods?]
The LAPD also announced that 30% more people were injured in traffic collisions in 2021 compared to 2020. In 2021, 1465 people were reported severely injured, which is a 30% increase over the same time in 2020. That is a huge increase in injuries from car and truck accidents in L.A. over just a one year time period.
The LAPD also released specific startling figures for pedestrian accidents. In 2021, 486 pedestrians were injured by cars and trucks. This increase marks a 35% increase in severe pedestrian injuries compared to 2020.
And during this same period, pedestrian deaths totaled 128, which amounts to a six (6)% increase in pedestrian deaths from 2020 to 2021. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident or a family member is killed in a pedestrian accident with a wrongful death claim, you may learn more about it on our website.
Also, bicycle collisions resulting in severe injuries were rising right before the Coronavirus Pandemic, and have continued to rise during the Covid Pandemic. From 2020 to 2021, the number of those suffering severe injuries in bicycle accidents rose 24% (again, that is a huge increase in just one year); and from 2020 to 2021 18 bicyclists were killed, which is a 20% increase from 2020 to 2021. If you were injured in a bicycle accident or a family member killed in a bicycle accident with a wrongful death claim, you may learn more about it on our website.
These numbers with its startling increase is especially disappointing and frustrating since Mayor Garcetti unveiled his VISION ZERO program in 2015 to end traffic deaths in Los Angeles. The desired results clearly have not been obtained. Critics complain that the VISION ZERO program is both underfunded and not given sufficient priority by City Hall, including the mayor.
Although all data is not in and certainly not yet analyzed, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation notes that residents in underserved communities are disproportionately killed in traffic collisions. “Underserved” was not defined, but may mean receiving less than its fair share of tax revenue dollars?
Examples provided by the LAPD of the intersections in Los Angeles with the greatest risks include the following:
- Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood
- Van Nuys Boulevard and Oxnard Street in Van Nuys
- Florence Avenue and Vermont Avenue in South L.A.
- San Pedro Street and Washington Boulevard, also in South L.A.
Before these statistics were released, Los Angeles Police Chief, Michel Moore, at the Police Commission meeting last month, urged the driving public to obey all speed laws and mentioned the increased number of traffic collisions.
Chief Moore spoke about pedestrian deaths and specifically mentioned Arian Rahbar, a 21 year old USC student who tragically was hit by a car racing in South L.A., and also an 85 year old man from Reseda who was also hit by a car. The 85 year old pedestrian was identified as Parviz Behna by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office.
- Drive within posted speed limits and never drive faster than conditions safely allow.
- This means drive slower when it is dark, raining, foggy, in construction zones and when pedestrians and bicyclists are present, including in School Zones.
- Left-turns: When waiting for traffic to clear before turning left, always be sure all opposing traffic has stopped. Do not turn left just because the light changes color or the driver behind you honks. Be sure it is clear.
- Always leave or allow a sufficient and safe space cushion between you and the vehicle in front of you so you have ample time and space to stop if for some reason the car or truck in front of you makes a sudden, unexpected stop.
- When approaching a cross walk that requires you to stop (e.g., the signal light turned red, there is a stop sign or pedestrians walking), stop in front of the limit line (if there is a limit line) or well in front of the cross walk. Leave a safe space for pedestrians, especially because they may have babies, young children or dogs with them.
- When walking at night, be extra careful, use cross-walks, do not J Walk, wear some white colored clothing and or carry a lit flashlight to be more visible to drivers – in other words be sure drivers can see you. Do not assume the drivers see you! Be sure they see you and stop for you. Look where you are going, pay attention and be sure vehicles stop for you before walking in front of any vehicles.
- Pay attention. Do not hand hold mobile devices or text while driving.
- Watch for others, especially pedestrians, bicyclists, homeless folks and others who may dart out, wear dark clothing and or be inattentive.
Should you or any family member be injured or killed with a wrongful death claim in Los Angeles or anywhere in California, please contact our personal injury and wrongful death lawyers right away for an immediate and FREE consultation.
We have won thousands of injury and wrongful death accident cases over more than 45 years handling car, truck, pedestrian and motorcycle accident cases. You will be glad that you did.
Be well and be safe!