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Articles Posted in Personal Injury


The Link Between Baby Food & Autism– Do You Have A Legal Case?

The heartache parents feel upon discovering their child has autism is unparalleled. Recent research indicates that a notable percentage of children with autism might have been exposed to toxic metals found in baby food, a factor contributing to the condition. These toxins can cause serious neurological problems, potentially resulting in…


Why Does the Implantation of Hernia Mesh to Repair a Hernia Cause Nausea?

Why Does the Implantation of Hernia Mesh to Repair a Hernia Cause Nausea? Yes, it is possible that the implantation of a hernia mesh to repair a hernia can cause you to experience nausea after the operation. Nausea can turn into a chronic condition for some people, who have a…


What Are the Cytotoxic Properties of Glyphosate in Roundup?

What Are the Cytotoxic Properties of Glyphosate in Roundup? The chemical glyphosate (n-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) is used as a broad-spectrum type of weed killer. It is used globally to kill unwanted plants, by disrupting the shikimic acid pathway the amino acid of a plant, preventing the binding of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to…


Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Lawsuits Against Genzyme Biological

Genzyme Biological Hernia mesh products have produced issues for people who have had them implanted to repair their hernias. An infection can form in the areas around a hernia mesh product in a short amount of time after the surgical procedure. In some patients, there have been severe complications within…


What Are The Average Settlement Amount of Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?

Average Settlement Amount of Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Lawsuit? Surgical meshes used to repair hernias have been around since the late 1800s. This means that overall, the repair of hernias using mesh products is quite common globally, as far as routine surgical procedures are concerned. Fortunately, the research opportunities have…

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