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Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Lawsuits Against Genzyme Biological

Genzyme Biological

Hernia mesh products have produced issues for people who have had them implanted to repair their hernias. An infection can form in the areas around a hernia mesh product in a short amount of time after the surgical procedure. In some patients, there have been severe complications within a few days, months or even years after the surgery to repair the hernia with a hernia mesh product. If you have developed a mesh-related infection, then you will be susceptible to also developing serious microorganisms that are commonly associated with this type of mesh, including:

  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Escherichia coli
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae,
  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • Candida albicans

In the event that you developed one or more of these serious infections as a complication, you will need additional treatment and possibly other surgical procedures to correct this problem in the future.

Genzyme Biological Has Major Problems with the Hernia Mesh Products It Manufactured

The company Genzyme Biological has had problems with its hernia mesh product, to the extent that many people have initiated hernial mesh lawsuits. Genzyme Biological is responsible for manufacturing Sepramesh IP in 2007, and worked with Bard Davol Inc. to bring the product to the public. The hernia mesh produced by Genzyme and Bard had defects in the product, characterized by the Sepramesh IP Composite Mesh. The Sepramesh product had a mesh coating of absorbable hydrogel, which was meant to repel other organs from sticking to the mesh after it was implanted. The Genzyme hernia mesh was approved for use by the FDA without extensive medical testing, and had several side effects and complications associated with it once implanted into a patient during a hernia repair surgery.

What Problems Existed from the Genzyme Biological Sepramesh IP?

The Genzyme Biological mesh had issues when implanted during a hernia repair surgery, including:

  • Adhesion and scar tissue collecting around the implant
  • Internal tissue sticking to the mesh
  • Organs and scar tissue interfering with the mesh
  • Bowel obstruction related to use of the mesh
  • Severe and chronic pain related to the mesh surgical procedure
  • Infections created by the Sepramesh IP
  • Instances of seroma and fluids collected under the skin surface

If you have had a Genzyme Biological hernia mesh implant and experienced issues, then you will want to discuss the claim with our office right away. Meshes used in surgical procedures are foreign objects to the human body, and can cause a host of complications if they are not managed and cared for properly. If there are or were manufacturing defects with the hernia mesh product, then you are at a high level of risk for a complication that can even become life-threatening over a short amount of time.

If you have questions regarding the how much your Los Angeles hernia mesh lawsuit is worth, how long these types of major personal injury lawsuits take or anything else about this process, you need to call our law office today to talk about your concerns. We are available to take your call at Walch Law, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. Time is of the essence in these cases and it costs you absolutely nothing to hire us– we only get paid if we get you paid!

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